The Mystical Light of the Baal Shem Tov
37. A man once journeyed to the Baal Shem Tov with a question. He had studied the natural sciences and philosophy and had discovered that according to the laws of nature, the Sea of Reeds1 was supposed to split at the very moment of the Children of Israel's arrival there. Why then, he wondered, do we believe that the splitting of the sea was such a miraculous event great thing? This question troubled him deeply.
When he arrived at the Beis Medrash of the Baal Shem Tov, even before he had asked his question, the Baal Shem Tov summoned all the townspeople to hear a sermon.
"There are fools and heretics in this world who have trouble believing that the splitting of the sea was a miracle," he said. "These people have eyes, but cannot see.
It is written: 'In the beginning, G-d created the heavens and the earth.' The name of G-d, 'Elokim'2 has the same gematria3 as of 'Hatevah,'4 for nature is also created by G-d. Thus, the Sages said on the verse, 'And the sea returned to its strength,'5 that 'G-d made a condition with the sea.'6 From the very beginning, G-d had built it into the sea to split before the Children of Israel at that time. This, in fact, makes the miracle even greater! From the beginning of creation, G-d created the natural order for the sake of the Children of Israel, as it says: 'In the beginning' - for the sake of Israel, who is called 'the beginning.'7 This nature of the sea was created for Israel. Had they not required this miracle, G-d would not have built it into the sea."
Beis Yaakov, Bereishis and Beshalach
1Although it is usually refered to as the Red Sea, it is actually translated as the Sea of Reeds.
2 Each of G-d 's Names has a different significance. The Name used in the first chapter of Genesis, describing the creation of the world, is Elokim.
3Numerology on the basis of numerical equivalents for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
4Both "Elokim" and "Hatevah" (the Hebrew word for nature) are numerically equivalent to 86.
5Exodus 14:27
6Midrash Rabbah, Bereishis 21:6. The words "to its strength"-l'eitano-is interpreted by the Sages as l'tanao-"to its stipulation." That is, G-d made a stipulation with the sea when He created it, that it would split at that very moment for the Children of Israel.
7See Rashi's commentary on Genesis 1:1. Israel is called "the beginning," as in the verse, "Israel is the L-rd's hallowed portion, the beginning of His produce." (Jeremiah 2:3)
Translation and Commentary by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Shore
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The goal of the Foundation is to hasten the imminent coming of the Moshiach (Messiah) by acting on the answer of the Moshiach to the Baal Shem Tov's question: 'When are you coming Master?' (The Moshiach answered) "When your teachings have become well-known and revealed throughout the world, and when your well springs have spread outwards, imparting to others what I have taught you, so that they too will be able to perform contemplative unifications and ascents of the soul…" [quoted from a letter from the Baal Shem Tov to his brother-in-law Rabbi Gershon Kitover.]
One of the major projects of the Baal Shem Tov Foundation is the World Wide Mezuzah Campaign whose goal is to insure that every Jewish person in the world has a kosher Mezuzah attached to the doorpost of their home.
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